Come on in and Get in the Kitchen!
(773) 754-7877
3617 N. Broadway, Chicago
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If You Think You Know Cooking Classes, You Don't Know JackFruit!

Get in the Kitchen!

The ``Party School`` of Cooking Classes!

We are the “Party School” of cooking classes! It doesn’t matter if you know how to cook, want to know how to cook, or couldn’t give a flying fork about cooking, you’re gonna have a darn tootin’ good time no matter what! We do things like Cooking & Karaoke, Dinner & Dancing Lessons, Cooking & Comedy, Cooking & Queens and Cooking & Magic Shows! We always pair fun stuff with cooking because… why not?? Other cooking schools are stuffy and focused on technique and gourmet cuisine. Here at Get in the Kitchen! we say “fork that shitake mushroom and let’s have some fun!”  Relax, help us cook a great meal and have an amazingly fun night out at one of our cooking parties.

It’s like coming to a party in my kitchen! We hang out, make great food and socialize with friends, coworkers or new faces. Perfect for a Corporate Event, Birthday, Anniversary or Bachelor/Bachelorette party! (FOR INFO ABOUT PRIVATE PARTIES CLICK HERE)

If you want to learn knife skills and gourmet techniques, go to the “other guys.” But if you are looking to have a kick-ass time, learn some easily replicable, amazingly tasty home-cooking recipes and have an awesome “night out” experience, we’re your guys!

For information on our Private Parties and Events CLICK HERE or email us at CookingWhileAwesome@GetMeInTheKitchen.com.

Just Get in the Kitchen! Cooking. While. Awesome.

PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NO LONGER BYOB. However, we have curated an amazingly great selection of wines for a reasonable price! All of our wines are priced around $12/$15/$20 and they are spectacular!

Just a few of our cooking parties:

Get in the Kitchen Cooking Parties! Make sure to join us for one of our awesome cooking parties! Try Kooking & Karaoke, Dinner & Dancing, Cooking & Drag Queens, Cooking & Comedy and so much more! Come in, cook something awesome, see a show or sing karaoke and have a blast! They don’t call us the “Party School” of cooking classes for nothing! Make sure to try some or our amazing wines with your party! All of our wines are specially curated by our Wine Connoisseur. They are all between $15-25 a bottle and they are spectacular!  Check the schedule for our upcoming parties.


Corporate Events, Bachelor/Bachelorette, Birthday and Anniversary Parties

Why dirty your kitchen, when you can mess up ours!?! Come in, have your special event with us and have a great time hanging out with your friends in our kitchen! For more info and pricing for our private parties email us at CookingWhileAwesome@GetMeInTheKitchen.com.


Wine & Social Clubs!:

Come join us for our monthly Wine & Social Clubs and have an experience you won't soon forget! Taste wines, make some food and meet new friends! Come for our Karaoke nights, dancing nights and other events that are included for all members! for more information, check out the "Wine & Social Club Tab"

Dinner and dancing

Dinner & Dancing!:

Join us for our Dinner & Dancing event! We do it once a month. Come in with your friend, special friend or a group of friends and cook some great stuff and learn how to dance with our instructor, Jon! Perfect night out!.

Cooking touche karaoke

Cooking & Karaoke!:

Once a month, come in and make something great while you sing for your supper! Cooking & Karaoke is one of our most fun and popular monthly events!

cooking queens gigi ginger

Cooking & Queens!

One of our most popular events: Cooking & Queens! Come in, hang out with the queens, make some great food and see a ddrag show!

cooking queens ginger ziggy

Cooking & Queens Make Your Own Bagel Brunch Party:

Come in, learn how to make Bagels, and see a drag show! Every brunch comes with our complimentary Strawberry Mimosa Cocktail! See the calendar for our next event!

comedy laugy

Cooking & Comedy!

Come in, make great food and see a comedy show starring local comedians!

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