Since our parties are so much fun, we only allow guests 21 and over unless otherwise noted. Also, because so many people want to come, our refund policy is written in each ticket. All purchasers must accept this policy as there are no exceptions. ALL REFUNDS ARE SUBJECT TO A $12.50 PROCESSING FEE PER TICKET. Also, please email to ask if we can accommodate dietary restrictions for any event. Cancelling a ticket due to an unapproved dietary restriction will result in a $25 fee.
Pizza & Potstickers!- Chicago Cooking Classes- BYOB
Learn how to make two different types of awesomeness and make your own pizza and potsticker dumplings!
$39 per person
Grab some friends and head on over for the best cooking class you’ll ever attend! Great event to meetup with those friends who don’t have kids as well!
Price of admission includes cooking class, dinner…and general hilarity. BYOB!
Menu: Pizza/Flatbread- We will make a couple and then let each family make their own using a variety of ingredients. Then we will move on to Asian Dumplings.
Date & Time: Tuesday November 6th 2018 6 PM
Place: Get in the Kitchen! 3617 N. Broadway St., Chicago, IL 60613