Come on in and Get in the Kitchen!
(773) 754-7877
3617 N. Broadway, Chicago
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Waste Not, Want Not.

How many times have you gone into the fridge and seen an empty jar of mayo or mustard? You know, the jar where there are basically streaks up the side left by the last bit@h (usually your husband) who tried to scrape every last molecule...

Roast This, Bit@h!

Roasting is so damn easy, that I considered not even putting a section about the proper ways to roast in the lesson section. Then I remembered who I was dealing with, so thought it couldn’t hurt. The biggest risk in roasting is the meat or food...

Making a Sauce

So, we have been talking a helluva lot about deglazing pans to make sauces in past lessons, but unless you really know a thing or two about creating sauces, you’re sh*t out of luck. So, relax, stop palpitating, and listen. I am going to give...

Stewing the Bit@h

So you’ve got some vegetables and meat that’re gonna go bad if you don’t use them soon. What the hell do you do with them? You stew ‘em bitch!  A great stew can be a hearty meal or a great mid-winter comfort. And it’s pretty...

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