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Change Up Yer’ Sweet Potatoes With These New, Updated Recipes!

So you went ahead and threw some mashed sweet potatoes (or God forbid used the ones in a can), in with some eggs, marshmallows, flour cinnamon and sugar, mixed that sh!t up and put it in  a casserole dish. Then baked it and call it a sweet potato casserole and proudly serve it to your guests for Thanksgiving Dinner, right? WRONG! What’s wrong with you? This year, try mixing it up a bit. Make some sweet potatoes that will wow your guests and make you a G-D Sweet Potato legend.


Sweet Potato Jalapeno Fritters1Add a little kick this year with these amazingly tasty Sweet Potato, Jalapeno & Bacon Fritters. Make them as sides or even appetizers. Either way, your family will be sing your sweet potato mother f-ing praises!


Maple Ginger Sweet Potatoes and Carrots


Make these amazingly easy Maple & Ginger Candied Sweet Potatoes & Carrots and never eat another boring casserole again!




Sweet potato Carrot Kugel


Traditionally made as a Jewish “potato cake” this adaption for a Sweet Potato & Carrot Kugel will make any Thanksgiving Dinner a fu@%ing hit!

Curry Cinamon Mashed Sweet Potatoes




Now this one probably isn’t for everyone, but for those with a slightly more sophisticated palate, try these amazingly delicious Curry Cinnamon Mashed Sweet Potatoes.


Maple Ginger sweet potato casserole

For a new take on an old favorite, this Maple, Ginger, Allspice & Pineapple Sweet Potato Casserole was made for you. If you make this one, you’ll never ever go back to your boring crappy crap of crap standby.

Curry Mustard Sweet Potato Salad


Now, for a less traditional take you can go with this amazing Curry Mustard Sweet Potato Salad. Serve it at room temperature or cold. It will go great with turkey but especially the leftover turkey sandwich you’re gonna be having on Black Friday!

Apple Sweet Potato Pie

And what feast would be complete without an amazing new dessert idea. This Apple & Sweet Potato Pie will have your guests asking for more even after they already stuffed their fat bloated bellies with all that is Thanksgiving.


So go forth and try a little sump’n new, bit@hes. I double dog, sweet potato dare you!

Our Newest Holiday Video

If you’re choosing to be a lazy bit@h this, year and want to simply open up a can of gravy, or as I like to call it “Horsesh!t in a Can” you might want to check out our NEW & HILARIOUS Video: Get Me In The Kitchen to Make Canned Gravy Taste Like Homemade


Hostess Gifts, Secret Santa & Stocking Stuffers

Don’t show up empty-handed to your holiday parties! Bring some unforgettable gifts to those hosts that will be useful, and hilarious!  Make sure to check out all of our Gift Packs in the Bit@h Store, like:

Gift Pack

Make sure to check out all of our Kitchen Bit@hes Gift Packs in the Bit@h Store! Create your own culinary gifts by mixing and matching our gourmet spice blends and cookbooks.

1) Little Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 4 products for one low price!

2) Big Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 6 products for one low price!

3) Megabit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 8 products for one low price!

4) Royal Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 10 products for one low price!

And remember, if you become a MegaBit@h, you get 10% off all of your orders. Always!!!

For more information on Carve The Turkey, Bit@hes and our other cookbooks and gourmet spice blends, visit the Bit@h Store.
Now you have everything you need. Go forth Kitchen Bit@hes! Go forth and make the best damn Thanksgiving the world has ever witnessed.

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