Come on in and Get in the Kitchen!
(773) 754-7877
3617 N. Broadway, Chicago
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Up Your Cranberry Sauce Game!

Cranberry sauce is usually an afterthought and half of the time it never even makes it to the damn table because it’s been forgotten in the fridge until everyone is done eating. Let’s take baby out of the damn corner shall we?  Stop treating it like the red headed step child of thanksgiving and  make a cranberry sauce that is an utter star when you change that sh!t up with these recipes your family will love.

pineapple cranberry sauce

Pineapple Cinnamon Cranberry Sauce with Walnuts (from scratch)

Pineapple Cinnamon Cranberry Sauce with Walnuts (using a can)



Savory Onion Cranberry Sauce


Apple Cranberry Sauce




lemmongrass orange zest cranberry sauce Orange Zest & Lemongrass Cranberry Sauce








Our Newest Holiday Video

If you’re choosing to be a lazy bit@h this, year and want to simply open up a can of gravy, or as I like to call it “Horsesh!t in a Can” you might want to check out our NEW & HILARIOUS Video: Get Me In The Kitchen to Make Canned Gravy Taste Like Homemade


Hostess Gifts, Secret Santa & Stocking Stuffers!

Don’t show up empty-handed to your holiday parties! Bring some unforgettable gifts to those hosts that will be useful, and hilarious!  Make sure to check out all of our Gift Packs in the Bit@h Store, like:

Gift Pack

Make sure to check out all of our Kitchen Bit@hes Gift Packs in the Bit@h Store! Create your own culinary gifts by mixing and matching our gourmet spice blends and cookbooks.

1) Little Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 4 products for one low price!

2) Big Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 6 products for one low price!

3) Megabit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 8 products for one low price!

4) Royal Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 10 products for one low price!

And remember, if you become a MegaBit@h, you get 10% off all of your orders. Always!!!

For more information on Carve The Turkey, Bit@hes and our other cookbooks and gourmet spice blends, visit the Bit@h Store.
Now you have everything you need. Go forth Kitchen Bit@hes! Go forth and make the best damn Thanksgiving the world has ever witnessed.


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