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3617 N. Broadway, Chicago
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Yeah, Bit@hes… I am one of Fabio’s Friends!- See my guest blog here..


It’s American Cheese Month and the holidays are upon us! The one time of year that we want… no, we expect… recipes that are made with 1/3 love and 2/3 cheese, cream and butter! I’m not gonna argue, I’m not even gonna put up a fight. It’s the time of year to throw caution to the wind and eat whatever it is we dang well please. So let’s do it!

Admittedly, the one downside to the holidays is the amount of cooking you have to do in a short amount of time. Even if you love to cook, having to stand in your kitchen for five days straight and cook thanklessly for those bit@hes you call family is never the treat we expect it to be. Well, don’t fret. I have an amazingly delicious recipe that’s so easy, It will have you out of your kitchen before you have time to tell your holiday freeloaders to “get the heck out of your damn house!”

So, because I am beginning to feel the warm, holiday spirit, I have decided to selflessly share a recipe from my new holiday cookbook. These are my Baked Creamed Spinach “Croquettes.” Traditionally croquettes are deep-fried. So technically, these aren’t “croquettes,” but as long as you don’t tell the culinary police, I won’t. They are cheesy, buttery orbs of goodness so I say close enough!

See the recipe here: Baked Creamed Spinach Croquettes. Enjoy bit@h!

See the actual guest blog here.

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