Come on in and Get in the Kitchen!
(773) 754-7877
3617 N. Broadway, Chicago
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Once upon a time, there lived a booze-loving Little Chicken Bit@h.  Poor Little Chicken Bit@h would constantly stumble into the town square slurring crazy sh!t like “The sky is falling!” or “Where the heck is my scotch?” One late-fall day, while out on a bender, he decided to frolic naked in the field. You see boys and girls, Little Chicken Bit@h liked the way the wheat stalks felt when they brushed up against his bare rear. As he lay there frolicking, a part of the sky actually did fall that day. Fell right atop his Little Chicken Bit@h head and killed him instantly. Poor Little Chicken Bit@h.

Later that afternoon, while searching for a secluded place to experiment with their lesbianic curiosities, Foxy Roxy and Penny Henny  stumbled upon Little Chicken Bit@h’s cold, lifeless body. Penny Henny cried out “Oh Dear! What SHALL we do?” while Foxy Roxy thought to herself “How fortuitous!”  You see, just the day before, Foxy Roxy ‘s Aunt Murtle Turtle sent her a Royal Bit@h Gift Pack from GetMeInTheKitchen.com for Christmas.  So they gathered Little Chicken Bit@h, dragged his stiff, cold ass back to Foxy’s house, de-feathered him and cleaned out his giblets and removed the wheat stalks from his bum. Then Foxy Roxy sprinkled his cold, moist corpse with some olive oil and one of the delectable gourmet spice blends she found in her Royal Bit@h Gift Pack! Now, Foxy Roxy knew to season Little Chicken Bit@h both outside AND INSIDE his body cavity because of the wonderfully easy to follow and FREE cooking lessons she regularly found on GetMeInTheKitchen.com. They paired Little Chicken Bit@h with a delightful Savignon Blanc and accompanied him with crispy Two-Cheese Scalloped Potatoes with Roasted Red Peppers. Later that evening after two more bottles of wine, they were finally ready to explore their curiosity and went to bed. The End.

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Hostess Gifts, Secret Santa & Stocking Stuffers

Gift Pack

Make sure to check out all of our Kitchen Bit@hes Gift Packs in the Bit@h Store! Create your own culinary gifts by mixing and matching our gourmet spice blends and cookbooks.

1) Little Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 4 products for one low price!

2) Big Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 6 products for one low price!

3) Megabit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 8 products for one low price!

4) Royal Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 10 products for one low price!

And remember, if you become a MegaBit@h, you get 10% off all of your orders. Always!!!

For more information on our cookbooks and gourmet spice blends, visit the Bit@h Store.


Whole Roasted Chicken


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