Come on in and Get in the Kitchen!
(773) 754-7877
3617 N. Broadway, Chicago
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Once upon a time there was a Little Red-Headed Employee. Every day she would travel over the river and through the woods to the Enchanted Office to visit her co-workers, perform her professional duties and occasionally go out for happy hour, get trashed and hookup with Greg from accounting, a handsome prince of a man.

But all was not joyful at the Enchanted Office. For there, among the copiers, computers and office supplies lurked the Big Bad Boss. He would over-work the poor Little Red-Headed Employee, constantly making her stay late because he was always waiting until 5 o’clock to ask for things he clearly could have thought about at 10 in the morning. The Little Red-Headed Employee constantly thought to herself “What a big dick you are!” But alas, that’s not the worst of it. The Big Bad Boss would always steal her homemade, delicious lunches from the magic break-room fridge. You see, Little Red-Headed Employee only used the “Get in the Kitchen, Bit@hes!” spice blends, cookbooks and recipes when cooking and as a result, her fare was the best in all the land.

One day, as Christmas neared, the whole office gathered in the Magical Conference Room to pick Secret Santas. To her delight, when the Little Red-Headed Employee stuck her hand in the deep dark bag of names, she pulled out the Big Bad Boss!  She thought long and hard on what to get the grumpy old sack of horse dung.

When the big day came, she placed the present in the decorative bag she bought from the enchanted pharmacy, Walbeans, along with a note and headed off to the Magical Conference Room. There, she saw bright coffee mugs and packages of Christmas joy given to them from all the vendors in the kingdom! Everyone laughed and partook in eggnog and it was joyful. They read the notes aloud and unwrapped all of the wonderful gifts. And then it was finally time for the Big Bad Boss to reveal his present. He reached in the bag and as he started to pull it out, everyone let out a collective gasp! For there in the bag was a Royal Bit@h Gift Pack from GetMeInTheKitchen.com, with a note reading “Make you’re own fu@%ing lunch and shove your job up your magical bum hole.”  And the Little Red-Headed Employee drank some more eggnog, danced on the conference table and hooked up with the prince from accounting. And they lived happily ever after.

If you liked that, you’ll love our newest YouTube Video:



Hostess Gifts, Secret Santa & Stocking Stuffers

Gift Pack

Make sure to check out all of our Kitchen Bit@hes Gift Packs in the Bit@h Store! Create your own culinary gifts by mixing and matching our gourmet spice blends and cookbooks.

1) Little Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 4 products for one low price!

2) Big Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 6 products for one low price!

3) Megabit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 8 products for one low price!

4) Ultra Bit@h Gift Pack: Choose any 10 products for one low price!

And remember, if you become a MegaBit@h, you get 10% off all of your orders. Always!!!

For more information on our cookbooks and gourmet spice blends, visit the Bit@h Store.

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